About CAI

Community Action Initiative (CAI) was created to support community-led projects focusing on mental health and substance use issues in British Columbia. We provide funding and training opportunities for community-based organizations across BC to develop and implement innovative projects that respond to the needs of individuals and families experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges in their communities. We take a localized, collaborative approach by creating networks and encouraging dialogue within and across sectors.

As a group, the CAI Leadership Council represents a cross-section of interests and experience. Our collective expertise stems from lived experience, research, advocacy, volunteer and work practice. Our members represent community social services, business, labour, government, Aboriginal leadership agencies and representatives from the BC Alliance for Mental Health/Illness and Addiction.

CAI was established by the BC Alliance for Mental Health/Illness and Addiction in 2008 through an initial $10-million grant from the Province of British Columbia. We received an additional $15-million grant from the Province of BC in 2013.

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With thanks to our funder: